10.19.24 Bedford Speedway Results

Driving the famous 43a, Jason Covert staged a rousing come from behind victory at Bedford Saturday night. It was his eighth career Bedford Late Model win but the first for him since July 2019.

Other Saturday action in the non points post season show featured three first time winners as young Gunner Walls won his first Limited victory ever anywhere while Braedon Varner (305) and Quinton Beeman (Crown Vic) took their first Bedford wins. Isaac Kormanski held off furious challenges to take the 4 Cylinder finale.

Jason Covert started on the front row in the pill draw event and took the early Late Model lead but Kyle Hardy in the Jim McBee 11 zoomed by on lap 4. Hardy almost instantly opened up on the field and got away on each of the early restarts.

Jason Covert, after falling back in the early laps began to challenge Hardy more seriously when the field settled down to run more green flag laps after halfway. With Hardy running the high line, Covert applied more and more pressure as Hardy seemed to lose his early race superiority. Finally on lap 21, Covert made a dramatic move and zipped Hardy for the lead. At that point, Matt Cosner, who had patiently watched the top two, also moved in on Hardy and got by for second on lap 22.

Cosner looked to be getting stronger over the last few laps, moving away from Hardy, but he had nothing for Covert who took the win by almost two seconds. Hardy held on for third ahead of Tim Smith and Jim Yoder. Qualifying heats for the 33 cars were won by Covert, Cosner, Jared Miley and Andrew Yoder, Miley discovered motor damage after the heat and was a feature non starter. Travis Stickley and Mike Lupfer won the two B mains. Tyler Ritchey was the track provisional.

In opposition to the Late Model race the Limiteds went their 20 laps with only one quick caution. Gunner Walls started on the pole and never wavered. Brian Booze moved in on the back bumper of the 85 but he could never mount a serious challenge, following Walls to the checkered flag.

Behind Walls and Booze were Taylor Farlling, Barry Miller and Devin Weyandt. Farlling and Clinton Hersh won the heats.

The 305 event started off wildly as 6 cars piled up on the back stretch causing a red flag and complete restart. On the second try, the group went 19 laps caution free. Pole sitter Kasey Weaver took the early lead and ran off from the field, extending the distance lap after lap.

With Weaver well ahead, Colton Hendershot and Braedon Varner battled hard for second for the duration. Varner got by for that spot on lap 14, a move which was to prove fortuitous.

Weaver, running the extreme high side and pulling ahead with each passing lap even while zooming in and out among heavy lapped traffic saw it all end in a heartbeat on the last lap. Just after he took the white flag, Jimmy White crashed and stopped along the wall in turn 1 sideways. Weaver, committed to the top, arrived on the scene immediately, veered to the left but barely brushed the stopped car and drifted to a halt ending the fantastic run.

After inheriting the lead, Braedon Varner held off Hendershot on the last lap shootout to score the win. They were followed by Greg Dobrosky, Kenny Heffner and Kolby Weaver. Josh Spicer, eliminated in the big first lap crash, and Johnny Scarborough won the heats.

It was a three car battle to the finish in the 4 Cylinder event. Isaac Kormanski held off repeated and serious challenges from both Wayne Brenize and Josh Corbin for the entire distance. Both got alongside Kormanski at various times but neither could complete a pass and Kormanski took the win. Corbin survived for second, ahead of Brenize, Tom Brady and Todd Price. Kormanski and Brenize won the heats.

Scott Mitchell led the early Crown Vic laps but was overtaken on lap 4 by Quinten Beeman. Beeman held off Josh Ringer and Jamey Swank the distance to score the win. Jim Bernheisel and David Heining trailed. Swank and Ringer won the heats.

LATE MODELS 25 LAPS Jason Covert, Matt Cosner,, Kyle Hardy, Tim Smith, Jim Yoder, Justin Weaver, Jeff Rine, Shawn Jones, Jim Bernheisel, Travis Stickley, Nathan Lasalle, Dyan Yoder, Jeff Miller Mike Lupfer, Andrew Yoder, Chuck Clise, Danny Snyder, Andrew Wylie, Tyler Ritchey, Chad Julius, Kody Lyter, Keith Jackson, Bryan Bernheisel, Ryan Christoff. DNS Jared Miley, Chad Myers, Ron Fink, Del Rougeux, JT Spence, Larry Baer, Matt Murphy, Trevor Feathers, Matt Sponaugle, Matt Martin

LIMITEDS 20 LAPS Gunner Walls, Brian Booze, Taylor Farlling, Barry Miller, Devin Weyandt, Shawn Shoemaker, Wes Bonebrake, Zach Kauffman, Clinton Hersh, Brandon Bard, Ethan Cavalet, DNS Keith Walls

305 20 LAPS Braedon Varner, Colton Hendershot. Greg Dobrosky, Kenny Heffner, Johnny Scarborough, Darren Bolac, Robby Bartchy, Kasey Weaver, Todd Lynn, Dave Graber, AJ Barton, Jimmy White, Ryan Lynn, Donnie Hendershot, Josh Spicer, Reed Thompson, Jim Kennedy, DNS Jarrett Cavalet

4 CYLINDER 12 LAPS Isaac Kormanski Josh Corbin, Wayne Brenize, Tom Brady, Todd Price, Colin Welsh, Tyler Beckett, Brad Hoffman, Brett Hanley, John Diehl, Don Hillegas, Seth Jezeskie,

CROWN VIC 12 LAPS Quinten Beeman, JOsh Ringer, Jamey Swank, Jim Bernheisel, David Heining, Allen Harding, Travis Vogel, Jake Waugh, Brennan Shroyer, Madison Sponaugle, Jonathan Habursak, Scott Mitchell, Brent Ronk, DNS Kyle Beckett, Tyler Varnish, Doug Winning, Dan Patterson

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