7.20.18 Big Diamond Speedway Results

Friday July 20th 2018 | Big Diamond Speedway Results | Pennsylvania

USAC East Coast Wingless Sprint: 1. Joe Biasi, 2. Steven Drevicki, 3. Trevor Kobylarz, 4. Ryan Godown, 5. Chandler Leiby, 6. Kyle Lick, 7. Carmen Perigo, 8. Eddie Strada, 9. Bill Unglert, 10. Christopher Allen Jr., 11. Coleman Gulick, 12. Eric Jennings, 13. Chris Dyson, 14. Trey Hivner, 15. Heidi Hedin, 16. Brian Riccio, 17. Jason Cherry. Did not finish: 18. Ryan Quackenbush, 19. Bobby Sandt Jr., 20. Kyle Purks.
The sprint heats were won by Trevor Kobylarz and Eddie Strada.

USAC East Coast Midgets: 1. Adam Pierson, 2. Alex Bright, 3. Johnny Smith, 4. Ryan Wilson, 5. Brendan Bright, 6. Andrew Layser, 7. Shawn Jackson, 8. Steven Drevicki. Did not finish: 9. John Andericka, 10. Brett Conkling, 11. Jason Rice, 12. Reed Salony, 13. Kenny Miller.
The midget heats were won by Adam Pierson and Johnny Smith.

Savage 61 Road Runner: 1. Terry Kramer, 2. Shawn Mulhall, 3. Chris Holland, 4. Jim Kost, 5. Mike Reichert, 6. Kris Ney, 7. Matt Ney, 8. Kerry Fritz, 9. Shon Elk. Did not start: Fred Everly.
The road runner heats were won by Terry Kramer and Jim Kost.

Central PA Legends: 1. Travis McClelland, 2. Jeremy Ott, 3. Scott Houdeshell, 4. Bob Stough, 5. Greg Burd, 6. Bill Diehl, 7. Lucas Montgomery, 8. Travis Perry, 9. Scott Smith, 10. Rick Hartwig, 11. Chandler Pagnotta, 12. Brent Marquis, 13. Nathan Renfro, 14. Ed Trump, 15. Scott Spidle, 16. Jorjie Sweger, 17. Trent Yoder, 18. Stephen Wurtzer, 19. Alex Schmiedel, 20. Robert Shaw, 21. Eric Hurst. Did not finish: 22. Chris McKinney, 23. Ron Dick Jr., 24. Mason Cheney. Did not qualify: Bob Rife, Alex Robinson and Zachary Settle.
Legend car heats were won by Scott Smith, Greg Burd and Jeremy Ott. The consolation was won by Scott Spidle.

Friday July 20th 2018 | Big Diamond Speedway Results | Pennsylvania

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