Jesse Lowe returned to victory lane on Friday night in the crate late model feature. Ricky Tinch, Jeremy Holtzclaw, Brady Lee, Jacob Sharp, and Dwayne Allen were the other winners.
Crate Late Models:
1. Jesse Lowe
2. Colton Proffitt
3. Andy Miller
4. Anthony Conley
5. Michael Smith
6. Trent Mullinax
7. Barry Goodman
Open Wheels:
1. Ricky Tinch
2. Joey Cotterman
3. Joey Whittenburg
4. Sarah Patrick
5. Matthew Hopper
6. Rich Standridge
1. Jeremy Holtzclaw
2. Jeremy Shannon
3. Fast Eddy
4. Perry Delaney
5. Jeff Walker
6. Darrick Dugger
7. Jerry Boling
8. Wade Whittmore
DNS Camden Myers
Street Stock:
1. Brady Lee
2. Scott Proffitt
3. Justin Turner
4. Scott Brown
5. Zach Thomas
6. Jeff Proffitt
Front Wheel Drive:
1. Jacob Sharp
2. Nathan Adams
3. Carlie Desabrias
4. Amelia McClain
5. Andy Wilson
6. Chris Lowe
7. Nick Adams
8. Hunter Whiters
9. Mike Jones
10. Bryan Williams
11. Tyler Benton
12. Matthew Sullivan
13. Brandon Jones
1. Dwayne Allen
2. Jonathan Allen
3. Ty Bowman
4. Eric Dyer
5. Jason Gunnels
6. Chris Payne
7. Jason Mount
8. Rodney Hall