Saturday, September 28, 2024

6.24.17 411 Motor Speedway Results

Wayne Rader picked up where he left of the previous night at Volunteer Speedway as he took the lead on the start of the 20 lap Modified Street feature. Chris Rickett was the pole sitter but fell in line ahead of Michael Woods Tracy Wolfe and Chad McLemore who rounded out the top 5. It wouldn’t take long for the top two to put distance on the pack as Rader and Rickett have swapped wins all season long. JJ Green looked to be going in the right direction early on but slowed on lap 7 with mechanical issues and retired early from the event. The caution would wave for McLemore who went for a spin slowing the pace. Back under green and the fight for third was on as Tracy Wolfe dove low under Woods on the restart but had to fall back in line. McLemore would have a rough night as he brought out another caution and pulled off track early. Up front it was all Rader who had pulled away from Rickett on the final restart and went on to pick up the win.
1: #01 Wayne Rader
2: #36 Chris Rickett
3: #66 Michael Woods
4: #11 Tracy Wolfe
5: #c5 Shawn Henry
6: #J5 Brandon Johnson
7: #99 Chad McLemore
8: #6 Ben Sexton
9: #12 JJ Green
DNS: #31b Willie Busler
Up next was the 20 lap Sportsman feature and this one would be filled with chaos. Michael Courtney would earn the pole by setting fast time in qualifying. The green waved and it was a huge mess in turn one as Rex coffey and Cody Gloyne got together sending coffey up the track setting off a chain reaction crash involving Coffey, Kevin Lewis, Jeff Hamby among others. Most drivers would be able to continue but Lewis pulled off track ending his night early. Coffey would also pull off track with damage after circling around under caution for a few laps. Back under green and Courtney would take the top spot ahead of Zach Sise, Cody Gloyne, Andy Ogle and Jed Emert rounding out the top five. Emert had his hands full early on with Bryan Cooper for a spot at the back of the top five. More chaos on lap 5 as #49 Grant Corum flipped in turn two collecting Nicholas Shelton in the process. Corum would be okay but was obviously done for the night. The race would end up being called early due to time restrictions with Courtney getting the win. However he would refuse post race tear-down resulting in him being disqualified giving the win to Zach Sise.
1: #9 Zach Sise
2: #98 Jed Emert
3: #68 Andy Ogle
4: #79 Josh Sneed
5: #18 James Cole
6: #3 Floyd Self
7: #10b Bradley Lewelling
8: #16 Ray Walls
9: #1 Brandon Starnes
10: #32 Cody Gloyne
11: #9 Derrick Meadors
12: #15 Bryan Cooper
13: #64 Hunter Kerr
14: #49 Grand Corum
15: #9 Nicholas Shelton
16: #58 Cody Brake
17: #2 Rex Coffey
18: #15 Kevin Lewis
DQ: #C11 Michael Courtney(refused teardown)
The 20 lap Classic Car feature was next up with Eli Keck starting on the pole after winning the heat race earlier in the day. Once again this would be one of the best races of the night as per usual with the classic car division. Keck took control of the pack on the start with Joe Keck, Richie Overholser, Marvin Ray and Bobby Pressley in his tire tracks. Joe Keck wasted no time putting the pressure on Eli Keck for the top spot as the early laps ticked away. Chris Worsham made the move getting by Pressley for the fifth spot. As the top five put distance on the rest of the field Overholser was all over Joe Keck for the second spot. The caution would wave for Chad Manning who went for a spin on lap 8 setting up a restart. Overholser picked up the win in the Classic Challenge at Volunteer Speedway the previous weekend and was on go again as he got by Joe Keck and into the runner up spot behind Eli Keck. Overholser would keep the pressure on but it would be Eli Keck who held on to pick up the win in a great race.
1: #8 Eli Keck
2: #18 Richie Overholser
3: #78 Joe Keck
4: #07 Bobby Pressley
5: #00 Marvin Ray
6: #77 Chad Manning
7: #501 Tony Trent
8: #3 Chris Worsham
9: #44 Chris Nix
10: #14 Lee Merritt
11: #21 Jason Hartsock
Steve Owens Jr won the Mini Stock heat race earlier in the day earning him the pole for the 20 lap feature. Owens would take control on the start ahead of point leader John Byers, Tommy Newton, Alex Holbert and Samuel Fox. With the top three quickly pulling away Owens Jr didn’t have any breathing room as Byers was all over him for the top spot. Newton already has a couple wins in the 2017 season and was looking for another as he closed in on Byers for the runner up spot. Going into turn one the two got together resulting in Byers going for a spin bringing out the caution. Byers would get his spot back with Newton having to go to the tail end of the field. Back under green and Byers would take advantage on the restart moving past Owens Jr and into the lead with 11 laps left. Newton had to restart last but had worked his way back up into second by the finish but ran out of time to chase down Byers.
1: #83 John Byers
2: #T2 Tommy Newton
3: #17 Steve Owens Jr
4: #7 Alex Holbert
5: #5 Samuel Fox
6: #01 Brandon Ford
A very strong field of Steelhead Late Models were on hand to do battle in the 30 lap feature. Jason Cardwell set fast time once again in qualifying earning the pole. However on the green it would be Eddie King Jr who made his return after missing several weeks with engine problems who took the lead ahead of Cardwell, Trevor Sise, Cory Hedgecock and Rusty Ballenger. Hedgecock and Sise had a great battle for the third position in the opening laps. Eddie King Jr had built up a big lead until the caution waved for Trevor Sise who tagged the wall off turn four bringing out the caution and ending his night early. Back under green and Hedgeock made a bold move and took over the second spot from Cardwell. Trouble for Michael Rutherford who hit the turn two wall and broke the right rear off his machine. Chase King didn’t get the best qualifying lap but was moving his way up through the field just behind Cardwell for the third spot. Trouble on lap 12 as Bobby Giffin and Jeff Hamby went for a spin in turn one bringing out the caution again. Hamby would continue on but Giffin was done for the night with damage. Eddie King Jr had lead 19 laps but Hedgecock got a great run on the inside off turn two and took the lead away. Cardwell had slipped back a few spots but had a bit of a rally at the end as he moved back up into third in the final laps. Up front it was all Cory Hedgecock who ran away from everyone the final 10 laps to pick up the win.

1: #23 Cory Hedgecock
2: #39 Eddie King Jr
3: #07 Jason Cardwell
4: #44 Chase King
5: #B00 Josh Henry
6: #29 Rusty Ballenger
7: #18 Gary Crittenden
8: #1 David Clark
9: #2 Danny Yoder
10: #33x Cameron Skinner
11: #G2 Jerry Green
12: #12k Jeff Hamby
13: #98 Bobby Giffin
14: #18 Michael Rutherford
15: #73 Trevor Sise
The final event of the night would be the 20 lap Open Wheel feature. Jeff Hamby took the lead on the green ahead of Brad Hall, point leader Jody Puckett, Rocky Ogle and Wayne James who had the final spot in the top five. Hamby looked to have hit the setup perfectly on his #15 as he pulled away from everyone on the start until a caution for the #5 of Cole went for a spin slowing the pace. On the restart the battle was on between Wayne James and Jody puckett for the third spot just behind the top two. Brad Hall had moved to the high line on the restart trying to gain some ground on the leader as the laps ticked off. Hamby would deal with a couple slower cars late in the race but was never challenged for the race lead.
1: #15 Jeff Hamby
2: #47 Brad Hall
3: #J3 Jody Puckett
4: #4 Wayne James
5: #7 Chase King
6: #21 Jim Barnett
7: #9 Rocky Ogle
8: #5 James Cole