USAC East Coast Wingless Sprint: 1. Ryan Godown, 2. Eddie Strada, 3. Chandler Leiby, 4. Joey Biasi, 5. Steven Drevicki, 6. Ryan Quakenbush, 7. Carmen Perigo, 8. Alex Bright, 9. Bill Brian Jr. Did not finish: 10. Jonathan Swanson, 11. Tim Buckwalter, 12. Bill Unglert, 13. Trevor Kobylarz, 14. Ryan Greth, 15. Kyle Lick, 16. Larry McVay.
Heat races were won by Ryan Greth and Chandler Leiby.
USAC East Coast Midgets: 1. Alex Bright, 2. Brett Arndt, 3. Steve Buckwalter, 4. Adam Pierson, 5. Ryan Greth, 6. Shawn Jackson, 7. Andrew Layser, 8. Johnny Smith, 9. Mike Myers, 10. Brett Conkling. Did not finish: 11. Tim Buckwalter, 12. John Anderika, 13. Kenny Miller.
The Midget heats were won by Steve Buckwalter and Tim Buckwalter.
Savage 61 Road Runners: 1. Kris Ney, 2. Chris Holland, 3. Jim Kost, 4. Mike Reichert, 5. Shawn Mulhall, 6. Terry Kramer Jr., 7. Jon Schlauch, 8. Fred Everly, 9. Matt Ney. Did not finish: 10. Cory Lindenmuth, 11. Kerry Fritz, 12. Shon Elk.
The Road Runner heats were won by Mike Reichert and Chris Holland.
No Sweat Service Group Street Stocks: 1. Chris Heller, 2. Elvin Brennan III, 3. Dean Hine, 4. Kody Sites, 5. Jesse Krasnitsky. Did not finish: 6. Kyle Saylor, 7. Mike Radocha, 8. Robin Wagner, 9. Joey Brennan.
The Street Stock heats were won by Elvin Brennan III and Chris Heller.